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International Summit ! Xanana Considers Peace to be an Abstract Concept in the World

Prime Minister Kayrala Xanana Gusmão in New York, 22/09/2024.

SAPNewsTL, New York : During participation in the International Summit organized by the United Nations (UN), Prime Minister Kayrala Xanana Gusmão considered peace to be an abstract concept for many countries in the world.

The Prime Minister said Timor-Leste celebrated last month the 25th anniversary of the Popular Consultation, held under the auspices of the United Nations, in which the people of Timor-Leste courageously voted in of self-determination and freedom .

“Timor-Leste’s independence is an achievement of the Timorese people, but also a triumph of the international system”. Prime Minister Kayrala Xanana Gusmão said in New York, 22/09/2024.

Xanana Gusmão stressed that with commitment, international cooperation can achieve the agreed objectives and face the challenges and opportunities of the times.

The World Leader underlined that Timor-Leste became a democratic country because it came from supporting the international community, national efforts for reconciliation and dialogue.

“Today Timor-Leste is a stable, peaceful democracy and in transition to development, not only because of the continued support of the international community, but because of national efforts for reconciliation and dialogue for peace, to ensure a future that is quiet”. Underlined by Kayrala Xanana Gusmão

“We know that without peace there are no conditions for development. That is why investing in the education of our youth is the best investment for sustainable development and peace”. He said

 Primer Minister of Timor-Leste Kayrala Xanana Gusmão

The international leader considers peace to be an abstract concept for many countries in the world. He is also concerned about Western Sahara, which has not yet had a referendum.

“Peace is an abstract concept for many countries in the world. Western Sahara has been waiting for its referendum since 1992. It has been waiting for 32 years! International law has not reached this last colony in Africa, ignored and forgotten”. Xanana Gusmão worried

The international community has yet to find a multilateral solution for the future of peace for many countries in the world from Palestine to Ukraine, from Yemen to Sudan, from the Central African Republic to the Democratic Republic of Congo, from Afghanistan to Myanmar, and from Haiti to many fragile and conflicted countries.

“The United Nations was founded after the Second World War to preserve world peace, human rights and international development. However, we live in disorder, uncertainty, instability and conflict. We face increasingly complex challenges, including the climate crisis , extreme inequality and growing geopolitical tensions”. Xanana declares

The means and financing to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are hard. They are finding it difficult to combat extreme poverty, food insecurity, humanitarian crises and climate change, biodiversity loss and environmental degradation that threaten the existence of some island states, especially in the Pacific.

“Those who contribute the least to global crises are those who suffer first, those who suffer the most, and those who often suffer in isolation”. He said

“They are victims of irresponsible international actors and policies that value profit and power over human dignity, As crises intensify, more people suffer from hunger. Data from the Global Hunger Index This is alarming when, only 6 years left to achieve the SDGs!

What is this world that everyone lives in, where one can feed wars, but one cannot feed children?

“We have seen the deaths of thousands of people in the Mediterranean who abandoned their homeland to escape conflict and poverty. We hope that with this “Pact for the Future”, the International Community, namely world leaders, can look at this problem with greater sensitivity than just commenting on immigration issues.”

Xanana Gusmão declared his part defends the reform of the structure of the UN Security Council because the structure has become obsolete, ineffective and does not represent the reality that emerges in international society.

“I advocate structural reform in the Security Council, which has become obsolete, ineffective and does not represent reality, An international organization is only credible when it responds to current needs and does not lock itself into a mechanism that was created to deal with problems from almost 80 years ago”. He stated

“I advocate the expansion of the permanent membership of the Security Council, for greater representativeness and geographical, cultural and economic legitimacy.”

The Prime Minister of Timor-Leste considers it very difficult to implement the principles of transparency, accountability and trust.

“It is difficult to implement the principles of transparency, accountability and trust, while rich and developed countries continue to decide for poor and developing countries. There are some people who decide about us, without us “.

“I advocate greater investment in preventive diplomacy that identifies the causes of problems and strengthens national processes, and greater diplomatic efforts to listen and understand, rather than impose decontextualized theoretical solutions.” Xanana defends investment

Xanana Gusmão advocates a ceasefire followed by negotiations, even for a long period, is always better than providing weapons to defeat the enemy because, at least, there will be children and women who become victims of conflict a little too much.

The eminent G7+ leader also advocates fighting against opportunistic and unequal economic structures in the world.

“I also advocate the fight against opportunistic and unequal economic structures, as well as greater financial support and debt reduction for developing countries. The international community must finance global development efforts”.

Xanana Gusmão elaborated “there is a great need for a pact for the future, a reform pact that looks to the future based on the global challenges of the present, and that renews the confidence of everyone, especially the new generation that will be implemented.

“After all, we all live on the same planet, we are all citizens of the world, we are interdependent and we will share the future that we choose today. Xanana Gusmão said.

Meanwhile, the international summit was attended by heads of state, heads of government and diplomatic leaders from member states of the United Nations (UN).

Journalist : Marciana Da Conceição

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