Tag: #Peace Building

Helder Considers G7+ Has Become a Famous Organization in the World

Helder Considers G7+ Has Become a Famous Organization in the World

SAP News- July 25, 2024

Image : Secretary General G7+ Helder da Costa Lopes SAPNewsTL, Díli – Secretary General G7+ Helder da Costa Lopes considers G7+ to be is an ... Lee+

Hametin Unidade, HWPL Kria Jogu Amizade Ba Joven Sira

Hametin Unidade, HWPL Kria Jogu Amizade Ba Joven Sira

SAP News- July 19, 2024

Imajem : Jogu Amizade Entre Joven Sira iha Kampu Futsal Ministériu Juventude Deportu Arte no Kultura Lesidere, Dili, 13/07/2024. Foto : Dircia Baptista Belo SAPNewsTL, ... Lee+

Peace Building, HWPL Signs MoU With Media Hatutan, RL, RCC, LABEH and SAPNewsTL
Politika, Internasional

Peace Building, HWPL Signs MoU With Media Hatutan, RL, RCC, LABEH and SAPNewsTL

SAP News- July 14, 2024

Delegatoin International Organization Heavenly Culture, World Peace and Restoration of Light (HWPL) signed a memorandum of understanding with media Hatutan, Radio Liberdade, Radio Community Comoro, ... Lee+