Category: Internasional

Helder Considers G7+ Has Become a Famous Organization in the World

Helder Considers G7+ Has Become a Famous Organization in the World

SAP News- July 25, 2024

Image : Secretary General G7+ Helder da Costa Lopes SAPNewsTL, Díli – Secretary General G7+ Helder da Costa Lopes considers G7+ to be is an ... Lee+

PM Xanana Inisia Auditoria ! PR Horta Apoia & Jeneral Taur Prontu
Politika, Internasional

PM Xanana Inisia Auditoria ! PR Horta Apoia & Jeneral Taur Prontu

SAP News- July 25, 2024

Imajem : Presidente Repúblika Jose Ramos Horta & Eis Prezidente Repúblika Taur Matan Ruak iha resintu Palasiu Presidensial Aitarak-Laran, 24/07/2024. Foto : Media PR SAPNewsTL,Díli ... Lee+

Atualiza Servisu Ba PM ! Helder Konsidera G7+ Sai Ona Organizasaun Famozu Iha Mundu

Atualiza Servisu Ba PM ! Helder Konsidera G7+ Sai Ona Organizasaun Famozu Iha Mundu

SAP News- July 21, 2024

Imajem : SAPNewsTL, Díli – Sekretáriu Jeral g7+ Helder da Costa Lopes atualiza ba Primeiru-Ministru (PM) Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão, kona-ba atividade vizita ba Republika ... Lee+

Strengthening Unity, HWPL Creates Friendly Games For Youth In East Timor
Internasional, Desportu

Strengthening Unity, HWPL Creates Friendly Games For Youth In East Timor

SAP News- July 21, 2024

Image : Friendship Game Between Young People in Futsal Field Ministry of Youth Sports Arts and Culture Lesidere, Dili, 13/07/2024. Photo : Dircia Baptista Belo ... Lee+

Coverage Pope Francis Visit ! Government & Church Launch Media Accreditation Process
Internasional, Religiaun

Coverage Pope Francis Visit ! Government & Church Launch Media Accreditation Process

SAP News- July 19, 2024

Image : Dom Virgilio Cardial do Carmo da Silva at the Vatican Secretariat Hall in Timor-Leste, Tuesday (16/07/2024). SAPNewsTL, Dili – The Government of Timor-Leste ... Lee+

Kobertura Vizita Papa Francisco ! Governu & Igreja Lansa Prosesu Akreditasaun Ba Mídia Sira
Internasional, Istoria

Kobertura Vizita Papa Francisco ! Governu & Igreja Lansa Prosesu Akreditasaun Ba Mídia Sira

SAP News- July 19, 2024

Imajem : Lansamentu Prosesu Akreditasaun Mídia Nasionál & Internasional kona ba kobertura vizita Sua Santidade Papa Francisco iha Timor-Leste. SAPNewsTL, Dili – Governu Timor-Leste serbisu ... Lee+

Sign Agreement With HWPL, MHESC Will Include Peace Education In Curriculum

Sign Agreement With HWPL, MHESC Will Include Peace Education In Curriculum

SAP News- July 18, 2024

Image : MHESC signs Memorandum of Understanding with HWPL delegation at MHESC Kolmera Hall, 16/07/2024 SAPNewsTL, Dìli - To improve the quality of education to ... Lee+