Clash In England ! Results 3 Dead & 9 Injured, Timorese Feel Safe

Image: Police car damaged by clashes in England

SAPNewsTL, England – Immigrants working in England are tortured. Intimidation and violence caused by religious differences, resulting in three deaths and nine injuries.

According to information that SAPNews accessed through credible sources Francelino da Conceição who lives in England said, the incident of confrontation between white and black people, three people lost their lives and nine were injured.

“The confrontation that happened in London was 10 students with a female teacher and a male teacher totaling 12, three killed and 9 injured, three killed one 4-year-old, 6-year-old and 9-year-old, The black man who stabbed (killed) is 17 years old”. said Francelino da Conceição to SAPNews via whatsApp in England, 08/08/2024

Francelino da Conceição added, the confrontation caused various damage including many cars were burned, burned houses and killed three citizens because the capacity of the British National Police is not enough to stop the confrontation.

“The case that occurred in England from 05 to 08 August, has damaged the car of the National Police of England, burned the police car that the security forces used to carry out the confrontation, burned many black Malay cars and houses in London, Brinhton, Birmingham, Bristol and other cities”. Francelino da Conceição informs

Image: Car burned by Malays in England

In this confrontation, white and black Malays beat each other, beat each other, burned houses, burned cars, stabbed each other. The police who intervened were unable to stop the conflict because it involved many people.

“During the confrontation, the police who intervened failed to stop them, so the British Forces and Defense came down to intervene in the conflict,” he said.

The emigrants who became victims of the Islamic majority who came from Pakistan and Malaysia, are now under the control and security of the British forces and defense.

Francelino da Conceição informed, Timorese who work in England are not threatened and feel safe.

“Timorese here feel safe, but we need to be careful and attentive because the situation is different, although they look more at people of Islamic religion. He substantiates

The following link is the act of confrontation in England between white Malay and black Malay:

Meanwhile, according to videos that are viral on social media shows that hundreds of people confronted, beat each other, beat each other, burned houses, burned cars, stabbed each other until three people lost their lives and owners they were injured.

Journalist: Ermelinda Soares & Marciana da Conceição

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