PM Xanana Declares TL Prepared to Receive Pope Francis

Imajem : Prime Minister Kayrala Xanana Gusmão and President of Republic José Ramos Horta at the Nicolau Lobato Presidential Palace, 05/09/2024

SAPNewsTL, Dili – Related to the visit of His Holiness Pope Francis on 09-11 September, Prime Minister Kayrala Xanana Gusmão declared Timor-Leste prepared to recieve for the Holy Father on Monday next week

“The Pope is now in Jakarta, will continue to Papua New Guinea, then will come to Timor-Leste, we are all prepared to receive Pope Francis. Prime Minister Kayrala Xanana Gusmão told reporters at the Nicolau Lobato Presidential Palace, 05/09/2024

The Head of Government asked the youth to contribute to peace because it has shown that Timor-Leste is a democratic country and an example to the world.

“Therefore, once again i appeal to the youth that we have shown the world that we are a country that does not have violence, wants peace and development, that we strive to develop people’s lives, Pope Let’s al”. Prime Minister Kayrala Xanana said

The Head of Government said, he has seen the places where the pilgrims will stay to prepare themselves and participate in the big mass that will be presided over by the Holy Father Pope Francis in Tasi-Tolu.

Secretary of State for Social Communications Espedito Dias Ximenes

Earlier, Secretary of State for Social Communications Espedito Dias Ximenes informed that to date the commission has registered one hundred and sixty-four thousand pilgrims, seven hundred and seventy-seven (164,777) from fourteen (14) municipalities.

“There are 164,777 registered pilgrims, composed of Lautém Municipality 5,503, Baukau 13,702, Viqueque 6,530, Manufahi 3,850, Aileu 7,500, Bobonaro 7,805, Ermera 314, Likisa 138. 12,400, Ainaru 9,322, Covalima 4,356, Dili 67,994, Atauro 1,300 and Oe-Cusse Ambeno Special Administrative Region (RAEOA) 2,344”. said Secretary of State for Social Communications Espedito Dias Ximenes to journalists at the Apostolic Nunciature Motael Dili, 03/09/2024

The Secretary of State said, the total number of registered Tasi-Tolu mass does not include those who started registering on September 1-3 including pilgrims who came from abroad.

Pilgrims from the east will camp in the area of ​​Acanuno Hera, from Aileu, Ainaro, Covalima, Manufahi munisipalities will be destined in the area of ​​Kasnafar, and from the west will stay in the area of ​​Tibar, these places have been prepared for pilgrims.

Regarding the Christians who do not register, Espedito Dias Ximenes declared that Christians who do not register can participate.

“Those who do not register can participate in mass in Tasi-Tolu, their place is prepared separately, they stand on the side of the road, near the beach. He said.

It is recalled that the six places that His Holiness Pope Francis will visit are the Nunciature of Motael, the Presidential Palace of Nicolau Lobato, the Orphanage of Mother Alma Pantai-Kelapa, the Metropolitan Cathedral Church of Dili, Tasi-Tolu, and the Center of Conscience of Dili (CCD). ), then will continue his apostolic visit to Singapore and return to the Vatican.

Journalist : Marciana da Conceição & Conzita Mota

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