Tag: #DILI

Peace Building, HWPL Signs MoU With Media Hatutan, RL, RCC, LABEH and SAPNewsTL
Politika, Internasional

Peace Building, HWPL Signs MoU With Media Hatutan, RL, RCC, LABEH and SAPNewsTL

SAP News- July 14, 2024

Delegatoin International Organization Heavenly Culture, World Peace and Restoration of Light (HWPL) signed a memorandum of understanding with media Hatutan, Radio Liberdade, Radio Community Comoro, ... Lee+

Promove Paz ! Mídia LABEH, RCC, RL, Hatutan & SAPNewsTL Selebra Akordu Ho HWPL
Politika, Internasional

Promove Paz ! Mídia LABEH, RCC, RL, Hatutan & SAPNewsTL Selebra Akordu Ho HWPL

SAP News- July 14, 2024

Imajem : Delegasaun HWPL Husi Corea Sul hamutuk SEKOMS Espedito Dias Ximenes, Presidente KI Otelio Ote no Lideransa Mídia Lima Iha Salaun KI Kintal-Boot Dili, ... Lee+

Loron Mundial Populasaun ! Atu La Husik Ida Iha Kotuk, Sura Ema Hotu

Loron Mundial Populasaun ! Atu La Husik Ida Iha Kotuk, Sura Ema Hotu

SAP News- July 13, 2024

Imajem : Loron Mundial Populasaun, 11 Jullu 2024. Fontes : UNFPA Timor-Leste SAPNewsTL, Timor-Leste : Relasiona ho selebrasaun loron mundial populasaun  iha loron 11 Fulan ... Lee+

Gradua Iha UNTL, Crisanto Konsidera Pasiénsia & Orasaun Mak Segredu Ba Susesu

Gradua Iha UNTL, Crisanto Konsidera Pasiénsia & Orasaun Mak Segredu Ba Susesu

SAP News- July 13, 2024

Imajem : Graduadu Crisanto Lucas Lafu iha Jardim City 8 Dili, 12/07/2024 SAPNewsTL, Dili -  Lisensiadu Crisanto Lucas Lafu sente kontente tebes tanba bele atinji ... Lee+

Estuda Teoria De’it La To’o, Estudante UNITAL 21 Hala’o ‘Site Visit’ Iha Manatutu
Siensia & Teknolojia, Edukasaun

Estuda Teoria De’it La To’o, Estudante UNITAL 21 Hala’o ‘Site Visit’ Iha Manatutu

SAP News- July 13, 2024

Imajem : Entrevista Estudante UNITAL Izadoro Maria iha Mota Manatutu Vila, 06/07/2024. SAPNewsTL, Manatutu - Estudante Universidade Oriental Timor Lorosa'e (UNITAL) Fakuldade Engenaria, Departemento Geologia ... Lee+

Tahan Tinan 7 Iha UNTL ! Igino : Prosesu Presiza Pasiénsia, Susesu Lori Kontente
Edukasaun, Istoria

Tahan Tinan 7 Iha UNTL ! Igino : Prosesu Presiza Pasiénsia, Susesu Lori Kontente

SAP News- July 13, 2024

Imajem : Graduadu UNTL Igino da Costa hamutuk ho familia sira selebra nia graduasaun iha Likisa, 12/07/2024. SAPNewsTL, Likisa : Hafoin gradua iha Universidade Nasionál ... Lee+

Durante Semana 1 ! Ema 1 Mate & Komunidade 185 Hetan Afetadu

Durante Semana 1 ! Ema 1 Mate & Komunidade 185 Hetan Afetadu

SAP News- July 9, 2024

Imajem : Diretor GRFC-APC Cesário da Silva Marques iha salaun APC kaikoli., Segunda (08/07/2024). Foto : Marciana Fernandes SAPNewsTL, Díli - Centro Nacional Operação Proteção ... Lee+