Show Timor To The World ! Délio Declares Prepared Fight With Alisher

Image : Boxer Delio Anzaqueci Mouzinho and Alisher Ismailov.

SAPNewsTL, Dili – Timorese boxer Delio Anzaqueci Mouzinho is ready to enter the ring against Alisher Ismailov in Bali, Indonesia. He declared that he would do something and bring Timor’s name to show the world that the country can also win in international events.

Délio Mouzinho said he started entering the world of boxing in Lospalos, in 2019 through Coach Elizário Dias Monteiro, then continued to train himself and improve his talent, entering international competitions until today.

“The experience of competition is the first to follow in Vietnam in 2022, followed by the Asian Games in Dubai, Australia, Cambodia, China. The experience gained is not the same as other countries but the first time to participate in a boxing competition in Vietnam became second place, played in Canberra lost with points, played again in Sydney won, played again in Cambodia got third place, got a silver medal with a black one.” Delio Mouzinho told SAPNews at Hotel Ventura Lecidere, 15/01/2025.

Regarding the preparation for the Atlas Super Club Bali event, Délio declared that he will show a good game and do what Timorese expect and want.

“To bring down him in the first round or win, we can not decide because people with developed countries and many athletes, they also have many try outs, while in Timor less people who can help us”.

“My strength is not known but I am confident that I will do something for the boxer I will meet, I will apply the wisdom and knowledge that learn during this time well to show people that we Timorese can also”.

The boxer underlined that young people should not lose their will to develop their talents but continue to take part in the world of sports, so as to bring the image of Timor to the world.

“The government needs to help, so motivate young people not to lose heart, not to let their talents get into trouble. Timor must do more sports so that young people can get to know each other and better friendship including bringing Timor’s name forward”.

During this time the government did not support, we brought Timor’s name to boxing in other countries, received classification many times but no government to help us, believe that will make changes one day will help us.

“Get classification and medal to give to the government, they know but pretend not to know, hear but pretend not to hear. they only give letters of appreciation but do not recognize and do not put the athletes in their place, leaving the young people free to go anywhere. Timor lets young people walk freely and find themselves, the government needs to prepare to put athletes in place to compete with other countries”. He said

The international event Atlas Super Star Club will be held in Bali, on February 9, 2025, Délio Mouzinho is now continuing to prepare to enter the ring against boxer Alisher from Uzbekistan.

Journalist: Ermelinda Soares & Marciana da Conceição

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