The Most Beautiful Thing In Timor-Leste Is Its People

The People of East Timor

SAPNewsTL, Dili – Upon arrival at the Nicolau Lobato International Airport in Comoro, Dili, the Holy Father Pope Francis was overjoyed and thanked God for bringing him to a country far from the Vatican.

At the reception ceremony, two children, one woman and one man, representing the culture of Timor-Leste, welcomed the Holy Father Pope Francis.

At the Nicolau Lobato International Airport, the President of the Republic José Ramos Horta and the Prime Minister Kayrala Xanana Gusmão, together with members of the government, welcomed Pope Francis and received a blessing from the Holy Father.

From the Comoro airport, Pope Francis walked along the road to bless the faithful who formed a long line from the airport until the Nunciature in Motael.

After resting at the Motael Nunciature, Pope Francis headed to the Nicolau Lobato Presidential Palace in Dili to meet with political and civil leaders.

At the Nicolau Lobato Presidential Palace, the Holy Father Pope Francis felt happy and thanked God for bringing him to Timor-Leste.

Pope Francis encourages the people of Timor-Leste to live happily in faith, harmony and dialogue in accordance with Timorese culture.

“I thank the Lord for bringing me to Timor-Leste and I encourage its people to live the joy of faith, in harmony and dialogue with the culture,” wrote Pope Francis in a letter prepared at the Nicolau Lobato Presidential Palace Dili, 09/09/2024

Image : Pope Francis In Dili, 09/09/2024. Photo : Conzita Mota

The world leader of the Catholic Church considers that the most beautiful thing about Timor-Leste is its people.

“The best and most beautiful thing that Timor-Leste has is its people.

However, when Pope Francis arrived at the airport, Christians welcomed him in accordance with the culture of East Timor.

Journalist: Conzita Mota and Dircia Baptista Belo

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